Our short film created in Berlin last year, Etwas Nutzlos, will receive its UK premiere at this years INEFF Festival and Symposium which will take place at Media City in Salford on the 11th of July 2023.
The festival showcases, in its own words:
“Films are chosen for their deviation from traditional narrative and stylistic norms and their emphasis on exploration and experimentation.
In addition to film screenings, the event features panels, workshops, and Q&A sessions with filmmakers and experts in the field, engendering a deep conversation between theory and practice, inspiring innovation and development of the film form. These sessions are designed to engage all attendees in critical discussions about the creative possibilities and boundaries of experimental fiction filmmaking.The festival also provides networking opportunities for attendees to connect with industry professionals, artists, and fellow filmmakers. This facilitates the development of new collaborations, partnerships, and projects within the experimental fiction filmmaking community.”
We cannot wait to screen this film in front of new eyes and to hear what the panel has to say about our work. If you are interested in attending ticketing information can be found here.